If you are experiencing problems or dissatisfaction about your work, whether it is about management, your working conditions, working relationships with colleagues and would like to lay a grievance and need assistance, please contact the AU Administrator who will forward your complaint to the Grievance Committee. One of the members on the Committee (usually of a different faculty) will shepherd you through the process
Our full process goes through three "Stages" at the university level before moving to the CCMA
- Stage 1 of grievance, example if you have an issue with a colleague, etc, you should approach your HoD.
- If the issue has not been resolved here, Stage 2 is to approach the Dean
- Stage 3 is to approach the DVC
- You should exhaust all internal processes, as the CCMA will not accept a case if the above stages have not been dealt with.
Follow this link for the University of Cape Town Grievance Policy.
Please find the formal Grievance form here
If you feel you are being bullied in the workplace, please find here the University policy on bullying.