Constitution of Consultative Forum


To serve as a forum where the AU Executive can bring specific issues of concern to academic staff directly to the attention of HRM and/or others, where appropriate.

Terms of reference

To allow for consultation on issues and concerns pertinent to academic staff.

To hold regular consultative meetings

To hold wider, more inclusive debates on conditions of service, the term "conditions of service" to be widely interpreted.

Aide Memoirs are kept of these meetings and sent to all members of the consultative forum.

In addition, special meetings for consultation and/or negotiation will be arranged from time to time when there are pressing issues to address.

All CFASM meetings are held on a quarterly basis, either online or in-person in the Bremner Building.

AU members are encouraged to send through specific academic related concerns they may have to the AU office for possible inclusion on the agenda of the Consultative Forum. These items should reach the AU office no later than one week before a particular meeting of the forum.