Take a look below to see if your query is answered in our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Q: Why join the AU?
A: The AU has clear rights as a negotiating partner with UCT Management over issues such as remuneration, working conditions, disciplinary procedures and redundancies.
Q: How much leave am I entitled to take for the year?
A: Annual leave for academic staff is 22 days per year, which is normally taken in the month of January. In setting the guidelines of 22 days per annum, the University recognises that, in addition to the 22 days, academics ordinarily do not work during the period between Christmas and New Year (27 December - 31 December). Where the staff member is required to work in this period, the corresponding number of working days is granted as leave during the year, to be arranged in advance as no leave is carried forward to the following year.
Q: If I cannot take leave in January am I allowed to take leave at another time?
A: It is assumed that as an academic you will take your 22 days leave in January. If not taken in January, those 22 days are available to use at another time of year, by arrangement with your Head of Department.
Q: Does the HR department keep a record of my annual leave?
A: The HR department does not keep a record of annual leave days taken by academic staff. Any records of this sort if kept, will be in your department. To apply for leave, please go to this site.
Q: Can I accumulate leave if I am not able to take leave in a particular year?
A: No, leave not taken cannot be carried forward but HoDs should accommodate taking leave in the year it is accrued.
Q: If I take study & research leave for a full year, am I still entitled to annual leave?
A: While on study and research leave, the staff member can send an email to their HoD requesting annual leave. This email is then then sent to the Dean because it is a clear case of why leave should be carried over. Once the staff member received permission, HR would adjust the system to allow the application to go through. Feedback would be sent to indicate that the system has been adjusted and the academic can carry over their leave which has been approved. The staff member can then apply via ESS. The process will not be a paper based one because they will receive notification that their leave has been carried over.
Q: I will be resigning, having returned from study & research leave last month. Will there be an impact on my pay.
A: Yes. You will be required to refund the University for the period of study & research leave taken and any travel grant or other allowance received.
Further information on leave can be found at this link:
Q: What is the number of hours I am expected to work?
- Hours of work
12.1. The notional work hours for academic staff used as a basis for benefits calculation are 40 hours per week.
12.2. The expectations for actual hours of work and presence on campus are a matter of individual arrangement between the staff member and his or her Head of Department.
Q: Should I apply for sick leave?
A: Yes, in terms of UCT's disability insurance, records should be kept of sick leave in case there is a claim. You should apply for leave at this link
Q: Should I apply for leave when I am absent for a religious holiday?
A: Yes, only registered national public holidays are recognised as public holidays.
Q: Where can I apply for a bursary for my PhD studies?
A: You should apply at the Postgraduate Funding Office. More information can be found at this link.
Q: How do I apply for a staff tuition rebate?
A: Fill in form HR125. HR forms are found here
Q: Does the staff rebate only apply to study at UCT or for other institutions?
A: UCT and the University of the Western Cape only. http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/benefits/remuneration/staff_tuition_rates
Q: Where can I find more information on contract costing?
A: http://www.rci.uct.ac.za/sites/default/files/image_tool/images/100/POLICY.pdf
Q: Where can I find the research costing template?
A: http://www.rci.uct.ac.za/rcips/contracts/costing
Q: Where can I get more information on a pension backed housing loans scheme?
A: From the UCTRF office x3806 or http://www.uctrf.co.za/93/P/Housing-Loans
Q: Where can I find more information on the ad-hominem process?
A: http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/performance/management/academic_staff/performance_planning
Q: What is the process to repeal a decision on an ad-hominem application?
A: As above but currently going to Senate for a further change.
Q: Is there a maximum amount of months sabbatical can be claimed for?
A: Four months with conditions - http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/service/js/leave/study_research
Q: Where can one claim for sabbatical?
A: By application on form HR141 via HR Practitioner: http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/sites/default/files/image_tool/images/236/about/HR_client_services_hub_structure.pdf
Q: How does one go about submitting the sabbatical claim and to whose office does this go?
A: Through the HOD and Dean to HR Practitioner: http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/sites/default/files/image_tool/images/236/about/HR_client_services_hub_structure.pdf who takes it to DVC for approval.
Q: What is the maximum number of months which UCT is obliged to pay an academic if they have not been able to take leave and it has accumulated over the years?
A: Only payable on disability, retrenchment or retirement on the following formula:
The formula is as follows:
i. ((Monthly COE amount x 70%) x 3/8) x no. of months outstanding S&R leave ii. (Monthly COE amount x 70%) x 4.5 if (ii) is less than A. |
Q: Can a lecturer on a teaching position also apply for sabbatical leave?
A: Yes, if appointed on teaching conditions.
Q: Once I retire, can I continue to use the Universities facilities, like the library, parking, etc?
A: Yes to library, staff tuition rates and facilities and parking only if appointed on the system.
Q: Can I continue to contribute towards the medical scheme when I retire?
A: Yes, and you may qualify for a post-retirement medical aid subsidy:
Q: What are the rules regarding delaying withdrawal of pension, and whether there is a possibility to continue to contribute after I retire?
A: If you resign you may remain a deferred pensioner until the age of 65. After retirement you cannot continue to contribute but you may elect a living annuity from the fund. More information can be found here:https://uctrf.co.za/uctrf/withdrawal-benefits
Q: Where can soft funded research staff apply for funding?
A: NRF will accept requests for funding. Staff at the Research Office can provide further information on this and other funding available through the URC. Tel: 021 650 5440 or visit their website for funding announcements:
Q: Can I do additional teaching for another department?
A: Yes, subject to operational requirements and delegated authorities.
Q: Where can I find information on the rates for a visiting lecturer?
A: Guidelines can be found on the HR website: http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/benefits/remuneration/rates
Q: I lost my pay advice slip. How can I obtain another copy?
A: You may Log on to SAP HR Employee Self-Service via UCT single sign-on: https://sapprd.uct.ac.za/sap/bc/nwbc/ess
Q: How do I change my retirement contributions?
A: You can change your contribution rate effective 1 February each year. You can also change your contribution rate whenever your CoE changes. Please note that the contribution is deducted from your CoE, so a change to your contribution rate will affect your take-home pay. Guidance on this.
Q: How do I change my life insurance, etc.?
A: This is linked to your CoE and the UCTRF contribution structure can be found as follows:
Q: Which form do I use to change my Annual UCTRF Contribution rate?
A: Complete form HR 214 form, which is found at this link:https://forms.uct.ac.za/#HumanResources
Q: Where can I find more information on my bonus options?
A: This can be found in the annual Remuneration Appendix published with general increases in January: http://www.hr.uct.ac.za/hr/benefits/remuneration/coe_ranges/annual_bonus