Why Join the Union

More than 700 of your colleagues have opted to be members of the Academics Union (AU), providing it with a powerful and unified voice.  By joining the AU, you can participate in negotiating solutions to issues concerning your academic workplace environment.

How to join the AU

You can either complete the online application form at https://forms.office.com/r/eatf6zQKJr  or download the membership form

Why UCT academics formed a Union 

UCT academics unionized to protect and improve working conditions for members. The Union’s right to negotiate on behalf of ALL academics on permanent conditions of service with the University is tied to its recognition by the University as a bargaining unit.

What the AU does

Most importantly the AU negotiates annual salary increases in consultation with members, giving regular updates on progress and presenting any offers for approval. We have successfully negotiated a framework for academic pay linked to key comparator institutions, resulting in increases above inflation. Negotiations start between June and October, depending on when the Remchannel data is available. Members will set the bargaining agenda and be contacted to establish priorities. 

The AU also defends the interests of members in difficult working situations and formal relations with management thus promoting both member well-being and the good of the University as a whole.

The AU has representation on key task teams and forums including the Institutional Forum, the Consultative Forum for Staff Matters and various critical forums related to conditions of service at UCT.